Thursday, December 30, 2010


I'm not the only person taking pictures every Saturday morning while the cadets are jogging, training, listening to lectures and participating in activities. Sometimes, one of the Abad twins (cadets from last year) will drop by with a camera or two. But most of the time, its one of the cadet officer candidates (they're CP2Lts now, or Cadet Probationary Second Lieutenants, so congrats to them!) with the G-7's SLR. And its been a good thing, too, cause my cameras can occasionally be bratty, complaining of low batt only because I was taking pictures under the sunny heat, or getting all fuzzy and out of focus from low light (and a broken zoom lens on my smaller camera).

Since I'm not currently a cadet or anything, I don't wear a snappy uniform like that most of the time. They did, however, give me a uniform this year so I do bring it out when I can. :) Finally making use of my boots. And its been a fun year too, cause the ROTC facilities have been getting renovated. They haven't looked so pretty since probably before my dad's generation. Old and ratty sofa monsters being replaced with a new and functional set of white plastic chairs and mirror-surfaced meeting tables. A ceiling full of holes and leaks replaced (new roof, too!). New light fixtures, new wiring, electric fans for once, new windows, you name it! And the bathroom finally works again. I never could've dreamed it'd look like this back when I was a cadet.

Nostalgia and amazement aside, I basically still spend my Saturdays there. I may not be a cadet, (or cadet officer), but that doesn't mean I can't volunteer. My batchmate from back then is now the second female Corps Commander they've ever had, and she's doing pretty darn good job at it. :)

Meanwhile, its up to us photographers to keep on taking pictures, documenting training, events, renovations and everything else along the way.

Once in a while, I'll snap one of my fellow photographer.

And I do get snapped back too. :)

Some people sleep in on their Saturdays. They're missing out on all the fun stuff.

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